Monday, January 14, 2019

Miniso Essential Oil Diffuser - Cheap, Durable & Readily Available

The Miniso Essential Oil Diffuser is again available in their various branches nationwide. However, I noticed that there was a slight price increase from PHP899 early last year when I bought one, to PHP999. Perhaps the increase is due to its high saleability and demand.

My Miniso Essential Oil Diffuser is still working even after almost 10 months of use. I don't use it everyday though. I use it nightly when my toddler gets bouts of colds, cough & flu. It tends to relieve her of the discomforts, saving both of us sleepless nights. I also notice that she wakes up feeling better.

I also use it when I feel like we had an extremely busy day and we want to get a relaxing sleep. I don't like using it daily because I don't want to get immuned to the effects, just like how it is with medicine. So I mostly reserve for certain nights & days when we aren't feeling well, or when we want to feel extra relaxed. ☺️

If you want my full description and review of the Miniso Essential Oil you can read it here.